- A rebate is a discount
given to the customer retroactively. This discount is based on the sales
volume over a specific period of time.
- Rebate can be independent of sales volume also.
- Create rebate agreement. Specify payer, condition record, validity, settlement material etc.
- System keeps track of
rebated related billing documents including credit and debit memos.
- Accruals are posted to
financial accounting when billing document is released to accounting.
- Rebate settlement can be done either manually or automatically or using batch programs (in the background).
- A credit memo is issued for the accumulated rebate amount to settle the rebate agreement.
- Retroactive rebate
agreement helps to take care of billing document (within rebate agreement
validity period) created before creation of rebate agreement.
- Rebate
processing must be activated for customer master (payer), Sales
organization and Billing document type.
- Rebate condition types
are created with condition class ‘C’ (Expense reimbursement).
- Define rebate
agreement type.
- Define condition type
groups to define group of condition types and tables for rebate
- Assign condition type
group to rebate agreement type.
- Assign condition types
and conditions tables to condition type groups.