Thursday, December 29, 2011

MM: Stock Transfers/Transfer Postings

Stock Transfer:

  1. It involves physical movement of goods.e.g. storage location to storage location transfer, plat to plant transfer etc.
  2. Stock transfer is possible at following levels
    • storage location to storage location (within same plant).
    • Plant to plant
    • company code to company code, i.e. plant to plant where both plants belongs to different company codes.
  3. Stock transfer can be handled using:
    • One step procedure.
    • two step procedure.
    • stock transport order.

Transfer Postings:

  1. It involves change in stock ID number or change in stock category. e.g. quality stock to unrestricted stock, blocked to quality stock, material to material etc
  2. Material can remain at its original location or can be transferred.

MM: Vendor Consignment

1. Consignment material is owned by the vendor. The goods receipt is non-valuated and posted in the
vendor consignment stock. Consignment stock is updated at storage location level (MMBE or MB54).
2. Company takes ownership, either by issuing it to a cost centre or transfer it to own stock.

3. Goods issue can only be posed from unrestricted-use consignment stock for consumption.

4. Consignment stock can also be transferred into own stock.

5. Later consignment liabilities (MRKO) are settled with the vendor.

6. Invoice (MIRO) cannot be posted for consignment item, as the vendor cannot trace the goods withdrawal directly.

Configuration/Master data:

1. Create purchase info record with Consignment info category.

2. Create purchase order with item category K (Consignment).

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

SD: Questions

  1. One shipping point can process deliveries for multiple plants:
    1. True
    2. False
  2. A customer can have multiple addresses in various company codes :
    1. True
    2. False
  3. Pricing header condition:
    1. Is applicable to the whole sales document..
    2. Can be entered at item level.
    3. Can have access sequence.
    4. Can have condition master data.
  4. One Sales Org can be used to sell materials from multiple plants.
    1. True
    2. False
  5. What is the outbound delivery status after PGI:
    1. Open
    2. Completed
    3. Being Processed
  6. Same condition master data can be used for multiple division during sales order creation:
    1. True
    2. False
  7. Invoice correction document is created with reference of sales order:
    1. True
    2. False
  8. Once customer’s XXXXXX is changed, it becomes immediately effective in already created Sales documents:
    1. Payment terms
    2. Inco terms
    3. Address
    4. Shipping condition

Sunday, December 25, 2011

SD/MM: Intra Company Stock Transport Order

Intra Company Stock Transport Order (STO): Material transfer between two plants of same company code.

STO with outbound delivery (twp steps):
  1. Create  a PO (doc type UB) with vendor as supplying plant.
  2.  After PO creation, release quantity will be listed under Stock Transport Order Release in supplying plant.
  3. Create a replenishment delivery using tcode  VL10G.
  4. Perform PGI.
  5. Create GR (MIGO) with reference of replenishment delivery.

Friday, December 23, 2011

SD: Condition Technique

  1. Create a condition table. It defines key for condition record.
  2. Generate condition table.
  3. Create access sequence. Access sequence is the order in which system access condition tables.
  4. Specify condition table/s in access sequence.
  5. Assign access sequence to the condition table.
  6. Create procedure.
  7. Specify condition tables in pricing procedure.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

SD/MM: Inter company Sales Processing

Inter company Sales Processing: i.e. selling sales organization and delivering plant belongs to different company code.

  1. Sales order is created in the selling sales organization with a delivering plant belonging to different company code.
  2. Outbound delivery (from delivering plant shipping point) is created when sales order is due for shipping.
  3. Selling sales org creates invoice for end customer.
  4. Delivering company code creates inter company invoice for selling company code.

  1. Ordering sales org and distribution channel should belong to delivering plant.
  2. Delivering plant should be assigned to delivering sales area.
  3. Inter company customer should be assigned to ordering sales org.
  4. Assign inter company billing type to sales document type.

SD: Sales Document Types

Cash Sales: In cash sale (CS) customer pays for the goods at the same time when he places the order. Delivery is created at same time when order is saved. CS is order related billing and cash invoice can be printed from order. In CS invoice amount is posted to a cash account. Like standard order receivables don’t occur for customer as in CS.

Rush Order: In rush order (RO), the customer picks up the goods or you deliver the goods on the same day as the order is placed. RO is delivery related billing. Delivery is automatically created when we save RO.

SO type (both CS and RO) config is:
Immediate Delivery: ‘X’
Shipping Condition: Immediately
Lead time in days: Blank

MM: Procurement of Stock Materials

MM: Enterprise Structure

1. Plant specific Pur. Org: Pur Org is responsible for procuring materials and services only from one plant.
a. Assign pur org to company code.
b. Assign just one plant of company code to this pur org. Assign pur org to plant.
2. Cross plant pur org: Pur Org is responsible for procuring materials and services for several plants belonging to a company code.
a. Assign pur org to company code.
b. Assign plants of company code to this pur org. Assign pur org to plant.
3. Cross company code pur org:
a. Assign pur org to plant.
b. Now, user needs to enter company code while creating PO.