Friday, March 19, 2010

SD/MM: Third Party Processing.

  1. In third party processing, company does not deliver goods to the customer directly.
  2. Goods are delivered by a third party vendor.
  1. Third party order will create a purchase requisition while saving.
  2. This requisition will be converted to the Purchase Order.
  3. Vendor will deliver goods to the customer.
  4. Orering company will perform invocie verification using MIRO.
  5. Ordering company will invoice to the customer.
Configuration/Master Data:
  1. Third party materiel should have item category group BANS.
  2. As a result of BANS item category group, sales order line item item category will be TAS.
  3. As a result, line item - schedule line category will be CS. CS schedule line category contains purchase requisition document type, item category and account assignment group.

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